Monday, September 27, 2010

Aiii como isto vai ...

Uns senhores de algo chamado OCDE elaboraram um papel a que eles chamam relatório aconselhar subida de impostos.

O que eu acho piada é a maneira como se fiz isto : é gira sei lá (uma expressão a la tio de Cascais a ver se também entro no tacho).

É tão tão fácil dizer estas coisas quando se anda em BMWs novos todos os anos, se recebem disparates de dinheiro (e ainda por cima não gastam grande coisa porque as suas ajudas de custo cobrem quase tudo) e ... se trabalha 8 anos para ser ter uma pensão vitalícia milionária que NUNCA vai ser posta em causa.

É de uma tremenda pouca vergonha !!!

Se estes senhores ganhassem o mesmo que os comuns mortais, andassem em Renault Clio, pagassem tudo (comida, gasolina, viagens, etc) e tivessem que trabalhar 35 anos sem sequer saberem se no final vão ter direito a reformas e/ou subsídios ...

... aí estes "relatórios" até mereciam alguma ponderação. Assim ? Assim não vale a pena porque eles NUNCA (sim, outra vez em maiúsculas) vão ter algum risco.

Tremenda pouca vergonha !!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Makukula ?!?!?

WTF ? Makukula ?!??!?!?!?!???!

No further comments ...


No, just one more : Makukula ?!?!?!?!?!?! Is this a bad joke or did someone from Sporting hit is head when he got up this morning ? For real, Makukula ?!?!?!?!

Monday, August 23, 2010

We take it as they come

I know Sporting fans can't talk too much but hey, that doesn't mean we just keep quiet when we see and hear stupid egocentric statements, no matter which club we support (if any).

Benfica's coach, Jorge Jesus, said "Vamos ser novamente campeões" (we are going to be champions again).

Had he said "we will play for championship and we are confident we will succeed" it would have shown a positive message of optimism and strength but his words showed arrogance (even more after a defeat on first match).

After that Benfica took another big step for the championship by loosing again (2 games, 2 defeats) and Benfica's goalkeeper, Roberto, messed up yet again. Roberto cost about the same as Petr Cech (Chelsea), Hugo Lloris (Lyon) e Van der Sar (M. United) and so far all he did was BS.

Personally i believe it is a mistake to sell Roberto now - they will loose money. Better to win the championship in the tunnels again and afterwards sell him. I have no idea how much they pay in the tunnels but it is probably lesse than what they stand to loose if they sell Roberto now.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Template

Well, i finally took some time (not much i admit) to go over the recent changes in and i have changed the look of "My Little Corner".

It seems more light and in accordance to the current season.
Tell me what you think


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Things i do not understand ...

A "new" season has started in the poor excuse of a money corrupted thing that was onde called soccer.

By now all my friends and family realized i was not kidding when i said i would progressively stop wasting time with this event - and i do not believe it will ever get better so soccer as i knew it is dead. Still some things i do not understand :

- a newspaper said Sporting had stumbled (after losing in the first game of the season). What ? Stumbled ? To me it is the normal behavior for this poor excuse of highly paid bunch of loosers.

- Another one said that there were "polémicas" in the FC Porto game. Again, what ? There are "polémicas" every single weekend of $occer, why bother saying the same thing over and over again ? That is also normal now ...

Why post this ? Basically because a friend said i should ... he wants to "hear" what i have to say even if it is just once every month or two :-)

Sunday, July 04, 2010

To Moutinho or not to Moutinho ...

After a request from a friend to post something about yet another newspaper-selling-novel here i am again :-)

Moutinho is a young soccer player that was formed in Sporting's schools. He is, in my opinion, an average (slightly above to be fairer) midfielder that made one or two good seasons but failed in the last one (as did the whole team actually).

Currently there are talks that he was sold to FCP for 11M Euros partly because of problems with management. On this matter, and without knowing all the facts, i am tempted to side with the player.

First of all soccer is no longer a sport ( and thanks to FUEFA not even a show) - it is a business as any other (take a look at Bozman's case and you'll know it's true). Secondly the owner of the pass is the club and he has the final word, hence it was the club that sold Moutinho. Finally, why not ? Are people really expecting to see a player forever in the same team ?

You might say "He could have went to a foreign club, not a direct competitor" and you could have some very very slight reason ... had it not been for the fact that Sporting refused an offer to sell to Everton in the past (i think there were other offers).

So in the end there is NO Moutinho case !!! This is just rubish journalism material to sell newspapers on a daily base.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Portugal vs Spain

I have read portuguese fan comments on local electronic newspaper and i mus say i find them unfair.

Sure, Portugal did play lousy in the match against Spain. And yes, it was as bad as the first match against Ivory Coast.

Eduardo (goalkeeper) was great - thanks to him Portugal only lost 1-0
All other players were average/good in this game except for ...

Ronaldo -Not a very good game. Maybe he was not in the mood (when you get paid millions you can pretty much sh*t on a nation like Portugal and get away with it - maybe they will even praise you). Truth is that we can not speak that harsh also because he can not play if the ball doesn't get to him in good conditions. Or even maybe he did not want to offend Spanish people (after all it is the country he is living in ... and the country that pays him millions).

But Ronaldo or no Ronaldo, the team was not well. The players are good and they wanted to win ,so to me - and that is of course very personal - the problem was Carlos Queiroz.

Queiroz did not see that the team wasn't playing well and failed to make the necessary changes and adaptation in time. He failed to counter Spain's tactical scheme and he failed the players.

But we all knew he was not the man for the task - so blame the persons that hired him ...

In all this and despite all that was said i believe that Portugal's team should be cheered - not criticized. Portugal has a lot to be proud of : they scored the biggest result so far (7-0); they played good football (at least in 2 games); they showed no fear against a team like Brasil (in fact they showed that they have a team to win Brasil).

They went on to Round of 16, unlike France (the hand-ball champions that even refused to train - shame on you France for such a sad spectacle) and also Italy (that went home in last position).

We lost to Spain, so what ? My only sadness is that we did not play good football in this game but that is not a reason for "booing" Portugal.

Portugal did well !!! Portugal should stand proud even in defeat !!!
Cheers for Portugal and keep fighting for it with you head up

Sunday, June 20, 2010

FEUFA's Cult

It is no surprise to any of my friends that i consider FUEFA the biggest responsible for the current soccer crisis. Their resistance to improvement/change/evolution is hindering what was once a nice show/sport.

There are 2 recent examples of this that you follow up in the Internet : the first is France - wouldn't it be better (and fairer) if France was not in the finals ?

They scored with the hand (yes, i know FUEFA is a big fan of hand-scoring goals and they support it, right Maradona ? Right Vata ?) and now France's team refuses to train ?!? Way to go France - you should not be there and even so you put on such a sad sad spectacle ?

The second is Italy vs New Zeland - take a look at FIFA's statistics. Final score was 1-1; 23 shots from Italy versus 3 from NZL; 15 Corner Kicks from ... who else ... Italy and an astounding 0 (zero) from NZL; In fact there were only 2 things that NZL was far superior to Italy : Fouls Commited (more than the double of Italy) and yellow cards (3 ... none for Italy).

Statistics by itself is not absolute - it should be analyzed with common sense - so we take a look at soccer stadiums today and observe the defensive methods used (repeated fouls and theater) allied to less and less people attending.

With these 2 facts we have no other choice but to say that FUEFA should do something (well, something different from validating hand-scored goals to favor the chairman's national team ...)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thank You Meo

I have just received news that MEO is implementing a solution that allows the user to mute the annoying vuvuzela sound.

This is the second good news in the last half-hour : first was that South Africa lost 3-0 and now i can remove that annoying noise from my TV and maybe listen to soccer like all normal people do.

Oh, by the way :
Thank You FUEFA for making me despise South Africa and their annoying costumes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup Winner - Edit

Well, it seems Italy is sort of weak.

In this shameful "vuvuzela ruined" world cup the usual teams are favorite so far : Brazil, Germany, Argentina and probably Spain.

England is always a mistery (they played bad against USA but they are always a team to take into account) and hopefully FUEFA will not tip the scales (again) to favor France.

Let us hope they are still ashamed of the "hand-goal" and "head-butt player of the year". But you never now - FUEFA is a sort of dictator that does not feel shame.

The Worst World Cup ever - South Africa sucks

I just can't have fun watching a game due to those annoying "vuvuzelas" piece of shit. South Africans, if that is the way you treat your guests then ... f**k you and you idiotic instrument (or whatever that thing is).

Am i pissed off ? You bet !!! You just ruin something that happens every 4 years and should be a motive for joy.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The German Move

It's half-time in Germany x Australia and the score is 2-0. To be honest i was hoping for more "fight" from the australians - they just stand there and wait ...

Germany has a good team but we can only be sure when they face a better opponent (no offense for Australia). Two things are very interesting in Germany's style of play :

  1. they make "speed passes" not only to the sides but also to the middle, which is very good;
  2. they use an interesting move (not sure if on purpose) - when attacking the striker stays offside but a pass is made to the line where a player enters in speed (hence no offside for the striker) and afterwards this player centers and the "once offside but not any more" striker receives and shoots.
Really interesting as it gives advantage to the team whilst confusing the opponent's defense (that most of the time argues an offside).

Nice team from a country that was once great (nowadays products from Germany are only "engineered" there but sort of manufactured in "indo-china" assembly-line-countries). Let us just hope they don't disappoint me in soccer too.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

2010 World Cup

So, who will win WC2010 ? In my opinion Italy ...

Of course i had to pick one of the favorites, we all now that in soccer the winner is always from the championship with more money. Take Champions League, how many times have you seen "Middle League FC" win ? Whether you want it or not soccer is biased, as in everything else ... the guy with the money wins.

Fuefa tries to praise the sport and fair play and all that bullshit they say when they are not awarding best player to the guy that just "headbutt" the opponent (by the way, that was a French player if you're wandering) or granting "safe passage" to a national team that scores with their hands (wow, imagine that ... France again).

Aside from Italy there is always one team that can win : France! ... for obvious reasons ...
But let us hope that Fuefa's lack of shame does not got so far as to let them win with a hand goal ... again ....

How about Portugal ?
This team is weak in my opinion - good players there but as a team ... errr ... not yet. They have improved a bit but still something is missing. Portugal's biggest flaw is it's lack of focus - they can loose a game in such a simple thing as a hand-throw ... overconfidence or they just don't care that much ? Hummm, i still feel it is lack of focus ...

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Braga Campeão - Benfica perde na última jornada

Esta era a notícia que queria ver nos jornais da semana - esta era a notícia que me iria dar alegria durante muito muito tempo; não porque o Benfica havia perdido mas sim porque não se havia ganho campeonatos nos túneis e balneários.

Muito falei com amigos benfiquistas sobre o assunto e talvez não tenha explicado bem ... ou talvez eles não tenham querido entender (porque são pessoas inteligentes não acredito que não tivessem capacidade para o fazer).

Sejamos claros: o Benfica foi sem dúvida nenhuma a melhor equipa do campeonato para além do Braga (em boa verdade a comunicação social pouco destaque dá a outras equipas para além das "3" por isso nem se sabe se o Braga não foi muito melhor que o slb).

A vitória do Sporting seria um prémio à incompetência, à falta de vontade e às prima-donnas estilo Velozinho e Yannick-Floribela-das-Fadinhas.

A vitória do Porto seria um prémio ao pasmacismo e falta de garra (Hulk +10 e Jesualdo ... bem, esse nunca fez nada mesmo - mesmo quando foi campeão).

A vitória do Braga seria um hino à luta, bravura e espírito de vencedor - convenhamos que luta contra "exércitos" muito mais bem equipados empunhando pouco mais que um canivete de retalhar azeitonas e uma travessa dos tremoços.

Mas o Benfica, como dizer isto (novamente) ? Não é que eu não acredite em coincidências, por acaso até acredito, só não acredito em coincidências a mais ...

Vem depois a famosa palavra "merecidas", mas merecidas ou não vejamos :

Coincidência 1 - Houve apenas dois incidentes nos túneis e uma única coisa em comum : Benfica.
Coincidência 2 - Em ambas apenas foram castigados jogadores ... da outra equipa.
Coincidência 3 - Os incidentes envolveram o Benfica e os outros 2 concorrentes ao título.
Coincidência 4 - Os jogadores castigados eram os mais influentes/cruciais das outras equipas.
Coincidência 5 - Os castigos foram dos maiores dos últimos anos
Coincidência 6 - E afinal até estavam errados e foram levantados ... mas só depois do Benfica estar isolado

Isto cai no que eu chamo de "Coincidências a mais" ? Mas sem dúvida alguma ...

Por isto tudo dá-me prazer escrever aquilo que gostaria de ler nos jornais de segunda "Braga Campeão - Benfica perde na última jornada"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Morning

A casa mudou e com ela ... a rotina domingueira.

Antigamente era levantar, banhoca e ir até ao café tomar o pequeno-almoço (geralmente uma torradita e uma meia-de-leite). Uma leitura nos jornais do café e estava o domingo iniciado - a partir daí era o que viesse (quase sempre dentro de casa ou em centros comerciais - vida de apartamento).

Agora a rotina é diferente; banhoca, ir ao RC preparar um pequeno almoço (geralmente uma torradita e um café acabadinho de fazer, hehehe). Nada de jornais (também para quê, é sempre o mesmo - desgraças). Entre estar e não estar feito o dito breakfast planeio as tarefas ... máquina de lavar a funcionar, máquina de loiça preparada, abrir as janelas para arejar e ir até lá fora apanhar um pouco de sol enquanto ouço a passarada a chilriar (ah, tenho convidados na varanda : andorinhas).

Pelo meio vou pensado em comprar uma espreguiçadeira para ler um livrito ao final da tarde enquanto apanho um solinho. Mas ... ainda há muita (mas mesmo muita) coisa para fazer. Até lá durmo no colchão provisóriamente colocado no chão pois tá claro - a minha cama e colchão vão demorar 2 meses a fazer (coisas de medidas "acima" da média, média portuguesa entenda-se).

E pronto, mais um post - seja lá para o que sirva (frase estranha mas tem piada). Fiquem bem e sejam felizes como diz um amigo meu :-)


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Futebol, Política ... Mundo

Este mundo vai de mal a pior mas enquanto não sobrar para mim, nas palavras da miudagem, tasse bem.

No futebol os principais concorrentes ao título de campeão nacional estão privados dos seus melhores jogadores : o FCPorto tem Hulk parado por castigo em incidentes no tunel ... da Luz; o Braga tem os seus jogadores mais influentes parados por castigo em incidentes ... na Luz; e no meio de tudo isto um clube vai tendo umas "ajudas" inadvertidas e sem qualquer intenção dos árbitros. Após um jogo antecipado (vá lá saber-se porquê) está em primeiro lugar provisório - esse clube joga ... na Luz. Coincidências aqueles castigos ?

Na política nem se fala, o desemprego escala, a comunicação social que já era uma boa porcaria deixou escapar aquilo que já se sabia há muito - que é controlada pelo poder político (seja ele qual for).

No mundo a UE nomeia um vice-presidente fantoche (ou pomba para ser manipulada por um falcão alemão, como dizem os belgas) para um cargo extremamente importante. Os portugueses regojizam alegremente - só não sei é se por esse fantoche ser tuga ou se por se terem livrado dele do Banco de Portugal. Haverá dúvidas do papel esperado desse vice ? Porque razão eleger um pequeno homem de um pequeno país, onde diga-se de passagem, os habitantes não o querem ?

Tudo isto num mundo cada vez mais desprovido de valores, onde se premeia a especulação (não se aprendeu nada com a crise) e pouco se valoriza quem de facto constrói algo. Um mundo onde um jogador não é castigado por uma mão claríssima, um mundo onde essa selecção vai ao mundial injustamente, um mundo onde outro jogador (coincidentemente da mesma selecção) recebe um prémio de melhor jogador deplois de ter agredido violentamente um colega de profissão live para biliões de pessoas ... um mundo ... onde ... essa instituição ... faz publicidade ......................... ao fair play :-(

Die Welt ...