Thursday, November 20, 2008


Porque há frases que merecem um realce ....

"Assumo a responsabilidade desta pesada derrota" – Carlos Queirós
Ah, pronto, assim já está tudo bem outra vez. As saudades que eu tinha de me sentir português e poder ouvir isto. Foram derrotados e humilhados, outra vez ...

"Portugal goleado pelo Brasil. Quem diria?" - A Bola
Errr, todos nós ? Ou pelo menos alguém com um quociente de inteligência mínima (QI 1 deve chegar para saber esta resposta)

"As coisas não nos têm corrido muito bem" - Nani
Nahhh, sério ? Mas que grande coincidência ter sido desde que se contratou o Queirós ...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tá díficil ...

Themes de jeito tá quieto !!! Alguns interessantes mas não são para este blogger, snifff.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Look

Devido a problemas no theme anterior, vá lá saber-se porquê, tive que fazer alterações no "look and feel" do blog. Ainda está tudo meio alinhavado mas a coisa vai lá.

Pelo meio alguns problemas a mudar o HTML ... pesquisa na neta e ... ah e tal experimenta o Internet Explorer ... problema ultrapassado. Infelizmente ainda há produtos (neste caso website) não totalmente testados (já agora, saibam que o FF já tem 20% de quota de mercado face aos cerca de 10% há coisa de 1 a 2 anos atrás - watchout IE).

Que achais para já ? Gostais ? Amais ? Detestais ? Canaviais (não tem nada a ver mas era para colocar mais uma palavrita acabada em "ais", hehehe)


Odd looking stripe

An odd looking stripe has appeared in my blog look/theme. No idea why has i have not made changes (or even posts for that matter).

Blogger Bug ? Firefox 3 Bug ? Addons Bug ?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Feira do Chocolate

Como acredito que neste país só se divulgam as coisas depois de elas acontecerem (vá lá saber-se porquê ...) vou começar a colocar alguns eventos vindouros.

O Parque de Feiras e Exposições de Grândola recebe a segunda feira de chocolate do concelho, de 13 a 16 de Novembro. Marcam presença algumas das marcas mais conceituadas de chocolate nacional e internacional, distribuídos por 2000 metros quadrados de expositores.

Telefone - 269750260
Local - Grândola, Parque de Feiras e Exposições
Datas - De 13-11-2008 a 16-11-2008
Preço - Entrada no recinto: 1€.
Site -

Fonte e citações : Jornal O Público

Blog - Changes to Look and Feel

New features are being introduced in this blog to make it more fun. An info gadget was placed in the right sidebar (with OS, Browser and Country - ohh and IP Address).

Currently i am working on a multilingual feature - the purpose is to enable me to write in several languages (English, Portuguese and German) and allow readers to rapidly choose their desired language.

To accomplish this i will set two small images (again in the right sidebar) and switch to the desired language upon clicking them. Nothing too fancy - just a simple language tag on every post and attach it to the images. Quite simple i believe ...

Below are the images used and again, if these images are copyrighted to you please send me an email with proof and will gladly remove them.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

Remember the first attempts at 3D movie projection ? Cardboard glasses with different color lenses (one red and one blue) gave a goofy look to the anticipating audience - that usually left theaters rather disappointed.

Nowadays 3D seems to be making a comeback with some movies using polarized lenses to achieve the desired result - Journey to the Center of the Earth is a recent example.

It seems the best technology so far is one developed by RealD, that resorts to a mix of polarized lenses and high-speed projection. You can find some additional details at the wiki entry if you're interested.

Is it worth it ? I must say i consider myself a very demanding person and for me to pay 40% extra to watch a movie it really needs to "go the extra mile". And i confess i enjoyed the experience.

The movie/plot itself is far from extraordinary but the added value of 3D makes it worth to see it (or at least one 3D movie using this technology). You still have some slight eye effort/adjustment at the beginning, meaning it is not perfect yet, but overall it is pleasing enough.

You will find yourself trying to evade the different objects that seem to jump out of screen - in one occasion i found myself moving to the side to avoid a piranha that jumped out of the water - needless to say i laughed my heart out, hehehehe.

If you can, and still find it in theaters, go check it out. You will be amazed at the progress made since the "red/blue" 3D and ... you'll definitely have fun. If you go in good company for sure you will have even more fun.